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x-posted. [18 Apr 2022|02:34pm]

I'm (un?)fashionably late to the party but are there any Andrew Garfields out there looking for a PSL against an Emma Stone PB? I'm open to a lot of different themes and genres as far as lines go, so I'd love to brainstorm something.
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[29 Mar 2022|08:03pm]

[info]portarivamod i would love to see the following faces for lines: tyler posey, holland roden, tyler hoechlin, kaya scodelario, gage golightly, thomas brodie-sangster, rosa salazar, taylor kitsch, taylor swift, selena gomez, victoria pedretti, hailee steinfeld, sarah ramos, max minghella, zoey deutch
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[29 Mar 2022|05:15am]

A bit of a longshot: Currently seeking a lighthearted and highspirited Pokemon psl (info viewable here). Check the journal for the OOC info and other interests, and contact me there if interested.

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[22 Mar 2022|10:21am]

Looking for Clayton Danvers for Elena from the book series or television show for [info]conductormod
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[21 Mar 2022|06:53pm]
I would love to find a potential female dating app match or blind date for this this girl in a supernatural game. Bri here is a Water Elemental Witch (who is also half-Fae), you can read more about her right here.

I don't want to put pressure on either of us as writers. Just a simple start off on a date and go from there. Let the characters develop organically in whichever way they end up.
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[20 Mar 2022|07:40pm]

This may be a really out-there idea but try to bear with me...

I have a pre-op, pre-T trans man struggling to come to terms with his identity. (PB: Kristen Stewart)

But that isn't the bulk of the storyline. His name is Charlie and he works for the highest bidder as both a gun for hire and a hacker. Charlie's job is to pick up your character from prison upon his release and pick up a delivery of drugs and distribute them before dropping him off in Mexico.

But things get complicated as Charlie and his companion defy their orders, take the drugs for themselves and try to escape the cartel on their heels.

This could develop into something sexual, Charlie trusts no one but is attracted to other men. I ask that it be explored gently and respectfully.

I'd love a menacing looking guy with a tender, light side to contrast with Charlie's deadly abilities and demons.

All comments are screened.
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[21 Feb 2022|10:23am]

Looking for players interested in a historical au femme gpsl, possibly including futa. Comment here or on the screened post to be added to the discussion custom. Adult friendly.
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[14 Feb 2022|11:10pm]

Looking for two (possibly more if there is interest) poly partners, one m and one f, for this Christian Bale face for a gpsl that is in the planning stages. All details are up for discussion, but looking for serious, journal based writing in the line. Also comes with potential family lines, and I'm looking for a sister specifically if anyone would be into that (no incest). Darker tones to some family lines/backstory and could be some in present day depending on discussion.
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[08 Feb 2022|11:52am]

Looking for two (possibly more if there is interest) poly partners, one m and one f, for this Christian Bale face for a gpsl. All details are up for discussion, but looking for serious, journal based writing in the line. Also comes with potential family lines, and I'm looking for a sister specifically if anyone would be into that.
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[04 Feb 2022|04:06pm]



The City of Mirificus is a Place Between, where magic and technology exist side-by-side. It welcomes all those who have fallen through the cracks of their reality, regardless of where and when they came from, to build a new life within its limits. Here, they can reconnect with familiar faces or forge new bonds with others they never would have met in their previous lives.
What will they do in this new world? How will they use this opportunity?


Mirificus is a relaxed and collaborative panfandom game where the emphasis is on character interactions and player enjoyment. We are accepting of a wide variety of lines. Including mature content and darker themes. The emphasis of this game is placed on player freedom. It is a very open sandbox to play in, with minimal activity requirements. So come on and jump right in!


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[01 Feb 2022|10:35am]


Governor Denning of Hawaii is simply baffled by the influx of people from all over time and space. Even more baffling is the fact that no one can seem to leave the Hawaiian islands at all. It doesn't seem to make any sense but when someone swims out far enough, it's like there is a barrier around all of the islands. Paradise has suddenly become a prison. How will everyone get by? Even stranger still, planes can fly in and drop off supplies and such. And no one knows what happens to them after that.

New faces are popping up all over, and as beautiful as Hawaii is, sometimes the locals aren't so friendly. Many of them consider the land to be sacred and want newcomers to stay away. And what is with these new people anyway? Some of them just aren't normal...

The governor enlisted the 5-0 taskforce to be responsible for the newcomers, getting them settled in and helping them become productive members of the community. Some will be more helpful than others. Governor Denning purchased an apartment building in the Waikiki neighborhood on O'ahu so everyone has a place to stay, while the matter is sorted.

Investigations into what caused this phenomena are ongoing. But it looks like we've got to try to be one big Ohana.

Aloha! Welcome to Hawaii. We hope you enjoy your stay, because it doesn't look like you will be leaving anytime soon

Wanted Characters

Wanted Characters!

OOC Game Info

[info]ohanamods is a pan-fandom RPG set in the universe of Hawaii Five-0. Prior knowledge of the show is not required to play here.


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[30 Jan 2022|05:11pm]

lines of all shapes and sizes, including a slow burn het line for [info]northsidemod
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[26 Jan 2022|10:05am]

I'm looking for any and all Lore Olympus's characters to join Persephone in [info]ohanakaiulu!

Would really love a Hades in play!

You can contact me here or here!
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[25 Jan 2022|10:44pm]

Elena Satine or Erin Moriarty as this guy's ex-wife for a line at [info]mercycovemods please?
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[21 Jan 2022|05:55pm]

Hello! I'm looking to possibly join a game or PSL with one or more of the following MCU characters:

  • Tony Stark (Endgame compliant)
  • May Parker (possibly NWH compliant)
  • Pepper Potts-Stark (Endgame compliant)
  • Peter Parker (NWH compliant)

    I'm typically active every day and like a mix of journals and threads. You can read about me and my characters here.
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    [14 Jan 2022|07:23am]

    [info]greystokemanor looking for friends with benefits lines with tyler posey, thomas brodie-sangster and tyler hoechlin.
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    [11 Jan 2022|09:50pm]

    A sister who's in this guy's band and other bandmates over at [info]greystokemanor please?
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    [08 Jan 2022|03:07pm]



    Welcome aboard Starship Avalon, your ticket to planet Homestead II, the fourth planet in the Bakhti System. As a first generation colonizer, you are part of the foundation of Colony 43, and your journey to your new life should be as comfortable as your existence on Homestead II will be exciting.

    We will arrive at your new home in four months and your Hibernation has just been ended. Waking from Hibernation is a confusing process, but rest assured that you are in good hands. Get a good night’s rest in your cabin, and your Learning Group mentor will contact your shortly to help you navigate this new chapter in your life.


    In 2645, space travel has allowed humanity to reach further than ever before. Earth has become overpopulated, and many with the means necessary have left behind the life they knew and boarded a ship to explore new horizons.

    The Homestead Group’s newest product is a spaceship designed to transport over 5000 people to the newly discovered planet Homestead II, a ‘new earth’ with a warm climate, plenty of water and healthy oxygen levels. The journey there takes 120 years, with passengers spending nearly all of it in Hibernation. This method has been used again and again for space travel, and has never failed before.

    Until now.
    Accepting applications on a rolling basis, opening tonight (6 PM EST)!
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    [04 Jan 2022|11:12am]

    slow burn het line for [info]northsidemod
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    [02 Jan 2022|08:18pm]

    A John for my Claire?
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