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Characters Wanted [23 Mar 2021|12:48pm]
Castmates wanted for Open Plains characters.

Wonder Woman would like other DECU castmates such as Superman, Batman, Aquaman. Marvel characters wanted for May, Tony, and Peter.

Sookie Stackhouse, Eric, Jessica, and Pam would like a Tara, and Layfette for friendships.

Buffy/Angel Any of the Scooby gang would be appreciated for Buffy, Faith, Angel, and Lindsey.

Jean Grey, Wolverine, Havoc, Sean and Theresa would like more X-Men for friendships, particularly Storm.

Elena, Damon, Caroline, and Bonnie want their friends from Mystic Falls particularly Stefan.

The Harry Potter crew would like The Weasley Twins, Hermoine Granger, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Cedric Diggory, Viktor Krum, and Oliver Wood. (Wanted a romantic line with a Weasley.)

Caspian, Lucy, and Susan would like any of the Pevensies brothers.

If your character's name isn't listed, we'd still love for you to join. Check out our taken pages. Note: there are two pages for our taken list. Click on taken to get the first page and pages to get the second on the line above.

Take a look at us, you might like what you see.

Thank you for checking us out and good luck on your quest to find the right community for you.
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[ viewing | March 23rd, 2021 ]
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