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Find a writer for you psls or community sls

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[22 Jan 2021|01:12pm]
I've recently developed an itch to write out an original fantasy PSL that involves a traveling troupe (or just a duo) of entertainers who perform at courts and festivals across the lands, getting caught up in local politics and events as they go. A found family of motely misfits if you will, who are on the outskirts of society yet sought after to entertain the in-crowd and all the shenanigans that might ensue from so doing. I have a few ideas on possible characters and situations to kick things off but welcome input and other ideas as I love plotting. I'm open to also potentially incorporating some elements from fantasy novels/shows. I'm not in the mood for anything too dark or angsty, but rather some drama and adventure mixed in with humor. If interested please feel free to drop a comment here or in this journal.
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