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[17 Mar 2017|04:07pm]
Hi! I’m Imp and I play Tonks over at It’s a game set a decade after the final battle where everyone is going on about their lives and everything is pretty normal. UNTIL, that is, dead people start returning to life and generally creating a bit of chaos.

I’m looking for some specific characters, particularly Tonks’ family, Andromeda and Ted Tonks (your daughter is aliiiiiive! Ted, you could join the living dead too!), Sirius Black (cousins lovingly annoying cousins ftw!) and Remus Lupin! Your wife misses your face! And your son is asking questions.

We have Lily and James newly in play, as well as Harry and Ginny! We also need Hermione and Ron, and tons of other people! The game is fun, active, and welcoming.
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