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Find a writer for you psls or community sls

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[29 May 2016|03:52am]
We're searching for more passionate and active writers to join us at [info]alexanderbennet.

Are you looking for a welcoming place to write and create? How about a community based on people with psychic abilities who live in New Orleans? If so, the institute is the place for you. If the psychic thing isn't doing it for you, we also welcome non-psychic characters as well. Check out our wanted post to see if you can fill any lines.

You should join, all the cool kids are doing it! Make sure you reserve your PB here to assure no one snags them up.
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[29 May 2016|09:31pm]
I'm wanting some fandom PSLs. I'm especially looking for a nu!Trek line or a Marvel line. Threading only, I prefer to make a private little PSL comm just for us to play in as then threads are in order vs. in journals. More basics about me here.

Nyota Uhura (Canon or AU) - I'd love to get a Spock, especially with the next movie coming out next month. I have an idea for a few things we could play with until the movie comes out and gives us more material to work with.

& Marvel characters I want PSLs for )
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