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[11 May 2016|06:36pm]
Mass Effect PSL Please!

Looking for a writing partner in the Mass Effect Verse. I have an idea for a group of mercs in the same vein as the Serenity crew from Firefly. Would love a good mix of alien races from the Mass Effect world. Cooperative world building/story telling is a must and would ideally split the 8 person crew with me as NPCs.

Specifically looking for a Turian romantic interest that joined up on one mission and keeps finding excuses not to leave. His relationship with Saffron becomes complicated when the man from her past, another Turian, comes back to the crew under false pretenses (he is there to take Saffron back to her former owner to save his own skin).

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[11 May 2016|10:20pm]
Looking for another line or two, primarily an Avatar/Korra or Pokemon line; check the Journal for info and other cravings.
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[ viewing | May 11th, 2016 ]
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