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Find a writer for you psls or community sls

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x-posted, dude [29 Mar 2016|03:21am]
It suddenly got quiet up in here, so I'm looking for a few new partners.

- Het most likely.
- M or F but F preferred atm. I am willing to double up.
- 3rd person. Past tense. Threading (or email) only.
- Likes multiple character lines but not a requirement.
- Can't post everyday. Got to work hard for the $$$.
- Will provide samples if needed.
- Check the journal for specific lines or feel free to suggest some. <3
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[29 Mar 2016|10:38pm]
Looking for a PB line involving two people who bond over a love of cosplay, the convention scene, and all things geek culture. Het please!
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[ viewing | March 29th, 2016 ]
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