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[21 Jan 2016|12:12am]
I'm looking to play a MCU X-Men line with comic book elements, potentially somewhere set between the third X-Men film and Days of Future Past or simply AU after the third X-Men film, exempting The Wolverine even though I love the canon there. I'd really enjoy playing multiple characters in this line, a joint effort between my partner and I. I'd also like a Rogue to play with, Anna Paquin style, which I hope suits your fancy. Yes, I want to play Wolverine. I can give more details on the line if you'd like a custom. We can discuss writing styles, time constraints and all that good stuff.
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[21 Jan 2016|02:35pm]
I'm looking for new stories. I am involved with a couple of games but my heart of hearts belongs with PSLs. So if you have one—I want it! I'm happy to keep it private, or else to take to a game. My journal here has a very vague sense of what I'm looking for—apologies for nothing specific. I just want everything. XD

I do have some ideas for historical SLs - and modern/realistic is generally easy to fall into. Please throw ideas at me. <3
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[ viewing | January 21st, 2016 ]
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