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[27 Oct 2011|11:27am]
Hey there! I have a special request - I'm not looking for a player, I'm looking for a potential co-mod.

The Game:
Will be a little bit different than your standard-fare first war game. Or even your standard fare first-war AU, for that matter. The plot is basically "the world has gone to hell in a handbasket, it's up to you and everyone else in magical Britain/Ireland to solve a problem when the only person who could have fixed everything is deady dead dead." It's going to be largely journal-based for reasons vaguely explained in the FAQ. Here's what I have so far: the faq ; everything else I've coded so far.

Why do I need a co-mod?
I hate to say it, but I'm better at the administration of a game than the IC stuff. I can code, I can assess applications, I can keep the mod journal updated and organized, I can deal with player questions and resolve disputes, left to my own devices I think I can come up with a fairly decent plot and ideas for game progression, and I can write up a damn good meme. I fall down when it comes to getting players and characters to interact and keep the story running.

What I need:
Someone dedicated and upbeat who will interact with the players, set up chats, and get them to interact with people outside of their own cliques. Preferably someone who is online more than once every couple of days.
Someone who is a tiresome obsessive when it comes to details. Are you the kind of person willing to spend time on Wikipedia and Google Maps to find out exactly where your character lives?
Someone who likes worldbuilding and enjoys toying around with HP canon. This is especially important because a lot of the ideas I came up with for this game aren't explored in canon. I need someone to poke holes in my plots and provide their own ideas for making the game as interesting as possible.

Anyone interested should comment here so I can give you my contact info.
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