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[02 Aug 2011|12:50pm]
In 1962 in the Ipswich colony, five families with untold power formed a covenant of silence. One family lusting for more was banished.
Their bloodline disappeared without a trace.
The Covenant

I love this movie more every time I watch it. One of my favorite things about it is the slashy undertones through the entire thing. Sometimes you have to squint to see it in movies, but the Covenant is not one of them. The chemistry between these boys is so fantastic at screen, that it is almost fair to deem the slash canon. Not quite, but it's definitely a nice aspect to the line. I would love a group line that continues the storyline of the Covenant. Perhaps their families are not the only ones that have carried a legacy down through their line. Maybe there are families that have been hunting theirs for years, trying to end the unnatural line of warlocks. I'm definitely open to fleshing out the plot, or brain storming an entirely new one.

The only specific I'm looking for is a Tyler Simms to my Reid Garwin. As for the players interested in Pogue Parry and Caleb Danvers, do as you will! It doesn't matter to me whether you come in alone, play off one another in a current or eventual ship, bring more players in to play Kate and/or Sarah, or want complete original characters to ship them with. As long as you are interested in playing the character and interested in developing a group storyline, the romantics are up to you.
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[02 Aug 2011|08:57pm]
[info]roselandia a brand new PB comm set in the third-gay-friendliest city in the country. het, slash, femmeslash and mpreg friendly. not just another town game. now taking holds and apps.
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