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[13 May 2011|01:09pm]
Im looking for someone to play a romantic interest opposite of my male OC in an X-men game. The character is gay as well. I'm really not picky about the pb. Looking for a character in their mid to late twenties. IM me on AIM @ isteelzurmateria for more info. ^.^
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A Dreamer Seeking Various RPs [13 May 2011|02:35pm]
[ mood | calm ]

I'm looking for some people to play OCs opposite of for long-term RPs, and I mainly use Yahoo (both IM and E-mail). Strong literacy, grammar and maturity are requirements; further, I won't do any non-con, rape, heavy violence/abuse or bathroom play. I realize some of these females are more obscure within their respective fandoms, but it couldn't hurt putting them on the table in hopes someone will be able and willing to RP as one of 'em. (I don't particularly care if the person RPing as one of these characters is male or female in real life so long as the characters are in character and well-written.)

Pokemon: Misty, Giselle, Domino, Sabrina, Karen, Cynthia, Lorelei, Delia
Comics: Felicia "Black Cat" Hardy, Lois Lane, Supergirl, Power Girl
Avatar the Last Airbender: Azula, Mai, Toph (at least 18 years old), Suki
Teen Titans (animated series): Raven, Blackfire, Terra, female!Red X
Superman (animated series): Supergirl, Lois Lane, Maxima
Inuyasha: Kanna, Ayame, Princess Abi

If anyone's able and willing to RP as one of those women (at least above-average knowledge of the character's personality requested as well), please contact me via PM so can set up E-mail contact and suchlike.

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