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[11 Jan 2011|01:15pm]

Buffy (me, technically) here is looking for some PSLs! I'm down with either strictly Buffy/Angel 'Verse characters or doing a crossover. No Twilight or Vampire Diaries characters, please. They just aren't my angst.

Crossover possibilities:

DC - A Batman would be fantastic. I like the idea of a Hellmouth either being formed or one that is already semi-active under Gotham City. (Wouldn't that explain all the weirdness/crazies there?) It wouldn't necessarily have to be a romantic 'line, but I'd imagine there'd be a lot of tension between the two, either way.

SPN - I know Buffy/Dean (and Buffy/Sam?) is considered to be tired and overdone by a lot of people, but I've never written it out before. In fact, I really haven't written against many SPN characters.

I'm open to ideas, though! So, feel free to suggest. <3

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[11 Jan 2011|01:16pm]



A Movie!Verse background RPG

Character Directory

Most Wanted
Juggernaut, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Pyro, Black Tom, Nick Fury, Hellion, Shatterstar, STUDENTS!

Seven years ago, a change was brought to the world that changed the lives of humans and mutants forever. A shot, an "antidote" for the disease that was mutation. Just one shot and all your worries would be gone. Some mutants did not agree with this idea and a battle was waged because of it. When all was said and done there were dead counted among humans and mutant-kind alike.

Today, mutants are known and have limited social acceptance. Xavier's School for the Gifted in Westchester, New York still stands, even though the professor himself is no longer alive. With Ororo Munroe as its headmaster, it continues to teach mutant children in the ways of their abilities and social behavior. Some students have since graduated and gone out into the world to try and lead normal lives. Some have stayed behind to teach and continue on in being a member of the X-Men. Some have left to spread mutant acceptance in other parts of the world.

Just a month ago, former mutants who'd received the shot to take their powers away began witnessing a return of their powers. Only these powers were ten times stronger than anything they'd felt before. Some were able to control themselves, but others were not so lucky. Now, with security and safety uncertain, it seems the wall between humans and mutants is rising up again.

Only days ago, and underground anti-mutant cell held its first official meeting. Tired of dealing with the mercurial habits of mutants, they have decided to retaliate against them. In just two weeks' time they will gather men and women from every walk of life, anyone who is willing to go in to Xavier's school with weapons drawn, and take as many mutants with them to hell as they can. Some are even mutants themselves, disgusted with what they may turn back into or have already returned to, and willing to strike a blow that could signify the ends of mutants.

After January 17, Xavier's will never be the same.

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RPG [info]semperimmortal [11 Jan 2011|10:37pm]
Hey guys! My name is Spoon and I'm currently play Hannah Abbott at a dark Harry Potter AU RPG called Semper Immortalis ([info]semperimmortal). I'm in need of an Ernie Macmillian to play against her!

Her current position is being a "pet"/assistant for Aidan Macnair and is currently wrapped around his little finger. I've played Hannah as having an immense crush on Ernie, but thinks he's too good for her since he is a pureblood as well. Ernie would be the only person who could actually stand up to Aidan because of his blood status being the same. The only thing I can say for Ernie is that he's stubborn and strong-willed, the rest is up to the player! ^_^

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me on AIM @ raven haired cho or e-mail @ Thanks to anyone who expresses interest! Feel free to check out the community to get an idea of what it's like!
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