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April 22nd, 2015 @ 9:55am

Hey everyone!

My name's Kate and I play James Potter at A Ripple in Time. I'm looking for a Lily Evans to join the game.

Ripple in Time in a really friendly and active multi-gen game set in Avalon. Characters from throughout the series have been pulled from a moment of trauma in their own time and placed in a copy of Hogwarts. James has come from his sixth year, from when he pulled Snape back from under the Whomping Willow, so he's from before he and Lily got together. I'd be really interested to have someone to play out the James/Lily relationship and see where they end up!

Lily's friends from school are in game, including Snape and a whole set of Marauders. Harry, Albus Severus and Lily Luna are also there, so she'll have a few surprises!

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, but we'd love to see you!
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April 21st, 2015 @ 4:54pm

I'm looking for several different characters for [info]unparalleledrpg ([info]modpod), an active Harry Potter alternate universe game set in 2003. In short: characters from 2025 in the canon timeline are forced back to 2003 in a separate timeline where Tom Riddle was never born. Things are different, and everyone's trying to cope, especially now that there are rumblings Tom Riddle has somehow made it into this timeline, too.

JAMES POTTER: So he isn't married to Lily (who married Snape instead), but he does have a daughter in the game, and Harry arrived from the separate timeline, so there's lots of plot there! Sirius and Remus are also in play, and I would love a contentious relationship between him and Snape.

DOMINIQUE WEASLEY: I play Victoire and would love to see her sister (and LOUIS!) in this timeline. Victoire's not the nicest older sister (or person), but it would be nice if they could get each other. Bill and Fleur are both in play (and not married to each other!), and their players are eager to see Dominique and Louis, too.

RON WEASLEY: Everyone wants you in the game. Harry, Hermione, Rose, the entire Weasley family, etc. etc. etc. Hermione and Ron aren't together in this universe, and there's lots of room to play with his character here.

SCORPIUS MALFOY: Draco's around, and having Scorpius would be excellent!

ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER: Harry, Ginny, James II, and Lily II are all in play! The only person missing is Albus.

Also a ton of other characters available, and lots of friendly players and lines.
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Why hello there! [
April 17th, 2015 @ 11:53am

Hi there! My name is Star. I'm a 26 year-old from the sunburnt land of Australia, and I've been RPing for over ten years now, primarily in HP games. I was fairly active around 2007 & 2008, until I no longer had a stable internet supply and sadly had to step away from writing. Since then I've popped in and out, but this time I'm determined to stick around for the long haul!

I'm looking for a fantastic game to dive into, preferably one with a strong plot and fantastic, reliable players. I am a big fan if both Marauder and Trio-era games, although I'm not adverse to playing amongst the newer generation. I do tend to go for the angsty and dark games (I feel that's where my writing excels) and I'm not shy to romantic subplots. ;)

I once had a CDJ with all my previously played characters and their journals, but they were all sadly been purged (including the CDJ itself) due to inactivity. I have a newer one which is still a work in progress, so please bear with me.

My characters I like to play are; Luna Lovegood, Remus Lupin (both marauder and trio-era), Fred Weasley, James Potter and Severus Snape. They are my preferences, but I also enjoy playing new characters and less-known ones - for example, I've played as Su Li several times, as well as Luna's mother and Cho's father in Marauder-era games.

I look forward to finding about some new wonderful games, please don't hesitate to contact me!
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April 12th, 2015 @ 1:31pm

I play several charaters at [info]finnigans_rpg ([info]finnigansmod), and we'd love for new players and new characters! There's a Wanted Page as well as a run-down of previously played characters (and most with connections have players who are willing to work with people picking up those previously played characters!). The game is a social based game, and the plots are both player generator and mod generated/over-all game-wide plots.

For my characters specifically, I have Zacharias Smith, Astoria Greengrass, and Tristan Travers. I am very open to brainstorming ideas with anyone interested, and I've also got a few ideas/characters I'd love to see for mine.

Zacharias doesn't really love people, per se, but previously he'd been friendly/friends with Ernie Macmillan, so I'd love to see another around who he can be friends/friendly with! Also, more Hufflepuffs in general! Seriously, who doesn't love a Hufflepuff? Someone who is missing out on some serious awesomeness, that's who! More Hufflepuffs from his year would be awesome (and the name-only canon characters could work well for that), and there's Stacey Rivers who's also from that year, but also more in general would be loved, too. I'd also love a girl or two he's been set up with by his parents (so half-blood or pureblood) where the date was most likely awkward for them both (I've some ideas for this, too), as well as people who have the patience to try to be his friend (which can be trying for various reasons, but it's rather rewarding as he's a loyal kind of guy at the end of the day, even if it's in his own weird way).

For Astoria, I'd adore a Daphne! I tried to mostly leave out Daphne from Astoria's bio and make things from Astoria's perspective, but even so, Daphne is pretty much open. I've some ideas, of course, but she's open to whomever would enjoy playing her (and I'm sure Pansy and Millicent would love to have her around, too). I'd also love some former year and/or house mates for her to be friends with, both of the old childhood friends variety and of the met in school variety. I also have that she's been set up a few times by her parents, so I wouldn't mind a boy or two she's been out with once or twice and could be friends with. Also, I'm currently toying around with the idea of her one day opening up a craft related store, so if anyone would be down for that, it could be a fun project to have in the works!

And for Tristan, he works at Wingbeat, a club owned by Charlie Weasley, and he has Charlie and one other person as a co-worker. I'd love to have other co-workers for him, and I'm sure the other two players would love it, too. I also wouldn't mind another convicted Death Eater for him to hang out with (there are a few of them hanging around, so maybe they could start a club or support group?) and relate to, or if not that then someone who was on that side for one reason or another (player's choice in all that, though it'd be easier if they weren't currently still holding hardcore Pro Voldemort beliefs). It'd also be cool for him to get some former roommates and yearmates from Hogwarts (he was a Ravenclaw a year above the trio), and I imagine those in his year/house might not mind it, either (we've got Cho, Marietta, and Melinda Bobbin, to name at least a few).

And if none of that strikes your fancy, like I said, I'm happy to brainstorm, and we've got the Wanted and Previously Played lists to browse, too! So come check out [info]finnigans_rpg!
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March 20th, 2015 @ 5:05pm

Oh, Angelina Weasley and George Weasley, you're needed over at [info]judicium. Your best friend Alicia is lonely. Plus your super awesome daughter Roxy needs some love from her parents.

Also, trio-era people, WHERE ARE YOU? So what if it's 2025 and you're all in your late 40s? There is still so much to do. War is brewing, Ministers are making laws, things are blowing up. People are having babies. Fun isn't just for the kids any longer.

Especially wanted/needed: Angelina Johnson, George Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Hannah Abbott, Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Pansy Parkinson, Tracey Davis...

Come on. You know you wanna.
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Beyond the Veil RPG [
March 15th, 2015 @ 5:59pm

James would love to seePeter over at [info]theveilmods. Arthur, Molly, Gideon, Fabian, Amelia, Marlene...any of the original Order of the Phoenix would be great too!!!

Ron would love more of the Weasleys, and some Slytherin Housemates who don't despise him! Lavender would love her current beau (6 months strong! Can be literally anyone), and her older brother (responsible Auror type). More next gen characters (the rest of the Weasley/Potters, Neville's kids, Luna's kids...the world is wide open, and please ask if you have any questions on getting them involved. We know time travel is tricky!)

Beyond The Veil is a smallish AU Harry Potter game involving time travel, a Voldemort killed by Regulus Black, and a good mix of dark plot and social themes (more emphasis on the plot as time goes on). The game started April 15th, but it's easy to just jump on in!
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March 10th, 2015 @ 9:39am

Looking for a Charlus Potter for an invite only game Read more... )
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February 10th, 2015 @ 7:49am

Where are all my Weasleys?

Angelina is practically alone over at [info]failedattempts and she'd really like to see George and Fred. She'd also like if Hugo and Roxanne would arrive. And I'm sure Ginny, Bill and Charlie would be welcomed too.

There are lots of characters available. Come on over.
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January 22nd, 2015 @ 10:05am

I am looking for characters over at [info]rippledtime_rpg. It is a fun game with welcoming players. Check out the wanted page

Who: Ginny Weasley
Era: Trio
Canon or OC: Canon
For: All the Potters and Weasleys
Specifics: Information about the family can be found in Albus' application on this journal. The Ginny I had the most history with in the past flavored Albus' history. She had some psycological issues from Tom's Diary that people didn't really pick up on till she was older.

Who: Gwyn's Scottish future husband you get to name him.
Era: Founder
Canon or OC: OC
For: Gwyn and the fun of it
PB Suggestions: Liam Hemsworth, Jonathan Keltz
Specifics: He was a muggleborn student of Godric's that Gwynned fell in love with
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January 7th, 2015 @ 8:13pm

Hi! My name is Michelle and I play Pansy Parkinson & Harry Potter at [info]infaithwetrust. We are a new post-DH game, starting January 15th and we still a load have available characters to choose from. Check them out here! And of course, you can find our premise right here!

Of course, I have some personal plots I'd love to work on in game... Don't we all? So I put my personal wished under a nifty lj-cut.

Wanted for Pansy )

Wanted for Harry Potter )

That said, there are loads of other possibilities. We intend to make this game a fun time without too much OOC drama, looking for players to just let the muses lead the way! So don't be shy and check us out! Questions may be directed at We're looking forward to seeing you!
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