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Find a Player!

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[18 Jan 2012|11:23pm]
I am searching for someone to fill a line or two for me. I play Xandra Yaxley and Dominique Weasley at [info]paybackrpg.

First off for Dominique I am looking for her male best friend and once long time Quidditch partner Ozzy Tremlett. Ozzy was a Hufflepuff with her and still plays for the Wasps even though Dominique doesn't. He is the son of Donaghan Tremlett of Weird Sister fame. I am hoping to have a romantic relationship eventually evolve between them.

Secondly, I am looking for a former love interest for Xan. I would prefer him to be muggleborn but he doesn't have to be. They dated in school and a bit after but life took them different directions and they drifted a part even though they probably still love each other. Xan will end up going to him with a deal to marry her, she has to get married to get her inheretance and she wants it to be with someone tolerable even though nothing says they have to stay married.

Dominique also needs her older sister and younger brother. Xan would also love some young quidditch players to join her on the Cannon team.
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