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[05 Jan 2012|12:10am]
At the moment I seem to have several loud muses who demand a home, so I thought I may as well post to see what is around. In particular I'm looking for games for Druella, Rodolphus, Lucius, Narcissa, Gellert, Barty Jr, Alecto, Rabastan, an OC Lestrange sister and especially Bellatrix. I'm also currently not looking for any games for him, but I normally can't resist an opening for Voldemort/Tom. AU, canon or any era are fine just depends on the game. I would love to read any suggestions :)
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WANTED: SHENANGIANS [05 Jan 2012|07:36pm]
Hi kids! I'm Jess, over at [info]paybackrpg, and we have several awesome lines we'd love to see filled. Payback just opened on the 1st, and it's primarily a social game set in 2027, though there is someone with a grudge against the Wizarding World in general who is planning on doing their best to get PAYBACK.

So, here are just some of the lines I would LOVED filled:

A keyboardist for amateur wizard-rock band THE WOMBATS. Male or female, but should be in their late 20's (27-29) to fit with the other band members (Ben Goldstein ([info]zenben), Teddy Lupin, Bryn Summers and Pollux Pritchard)

Members of what is basically the Indiana Jones team of the wizarding world. Hugo Weasley and Albus Severus Potter work for the Wizarding Museum in the field (Al as a historian & Hugo as a curse breaker) and they'd LOVE other members of their team to have adventures with. (I play Hugo, and his journal is [info]hugaweasel if you want more info)

And the game at large needs some Muggleborns and children of Death Eaters!. For a more extensive list of wanted characters, go here!, because everyone wants something, so there's bound to be something for everyone!
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