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Wanted: One Professor Severus Snape [17 Dec 2011|02:37am]
I am: I am Evaline Tripp. I am a 7th year student at Hogwarts and trying to survive the reign of Professor Umbridge. She proves to be a rather difficult woman. Perhaps if I... if I am obedient, she will not see me as a threat. It is my only hope, I fear.

What I seek: Professor Severus Tobius Snape

Details: It is an Alternate Universe set around the time of the 5th book, so Umbridge will definitely be involved.

The game is meant to be an exploration of what would happen if Snape was to meet someone like himself. I imagine they could become companions. Whether they could eventually become something more is questionable. I like to play things out and see where things lead - I imagine two people such as themselves would eventually grow to like one another's company. It can be very... lonely to be like Severus.

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[17 Dec 2011|03:34pm]
Hello there! I'm Kim and I play at a dark game called [info]interitio. It's one where the Death Eaters won the war, Harry was never killed, and Voldemort rules the British wizarding world with an iron fist. It's currently 1997 and things are going well for purebloods who submit to Voldemort's will. I play one such character, Flora Carrow.

Flora was recently betrothed by Voldemort to another young DE spawn. That betrothal is soon to come to an end through no fault of Flora's and I'm rather hoping she can be assigned a new match. I don't actually care how the line is played out or what happens, I just want to play it! The problem being that there are no suitable characters currently in game. So, would you like playing a young future Death Eater? Then come at me!

Comment here or IM papersailing. Or, if you're a person of action, the cast list is here!
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[ viewing | December 17th, 2011 ]
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