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[28 Oct 2011|10:36am]
Hey everyone! I'm writing on behalf of [info]assimlimods, which is a next-next generation game that's still growing and going strong! We have a ton of characters available, and we're really looking for fun and active players.

More specifically, our Wish List is primarily consists of looking for siblings of currently casted characters (whew, try saying that ten times fast!). Such characters would be Sirius Macmillan (the oldest and last of the massive Macmillan clan!), Brianna Wood, Thomas, Annette and Kelsey Ackerley (and who doesn't love having four siblings?!), Zachary Longbottom (you know you want Neville's BAMF grandson), Juilette Hart (you know you've wanted to try out a character from Salem), and a few more not currently listed on the wish list.

If you have any questions/concerns/ect. please feel free to leave a message here, or email the mod email at We have really great and welcoming players and we'd absolutely LOVE to have you and your character here!
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[28 Oct 2011|09:39pm]
So, this handsome fellow here is Algie Parker over at [info]the_8th_floor. Only he's not. Algie was killed by Evan Rosier and Evan decided to borrow his identity. For twenty five years. Turns out this was a bit of a trendy thing and there's a few other Death Eaters out there disguised as ordinary members of the public. Are you Rabastan Lestrange? One of the Carrows? Algie would love hate love to have you in game!

We've got plenty of other wanted characters, especially ones with connections in-game. Pansy is pregnant with her second child and would love to see her husband Terence Higgs (perhaps before anyone suggests that she devoured him after mating) or her best friend Millicent Bulstrode, Susan Bones and the other Hufflepuffs would love to have Ernie Macmillan around, Anthony Goldstein and the Ravenclaws want Terry Boot and Michael Corner. Lots of Slytherins are available and we'd adore older characters to come play with us too. More wanted characters can be found at [info]ministry_mod.
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