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[28 Aug 2011|06:14pm]
Hi all! I'm Alexandra and am after a few characters at various games!

[info]silveragemod is a panfandom game set in 1964, Alternate New York which was created by Sheldon Cooper. I currently have Narcissa Malfoy ([info]liesforfamily) and would love to see some of her family in play especially Lucius and Draco!

[info]thedarkestyears is a Canon-compliant Marauder Era game set to open September 1st. While I have narcissa there as well I would love to see a lot more Order Members in game! Sirius Black anyone? We have a James and Lily on hold a pending Peter and a cast Remus Lupin. What about Alice and Frank? Or even Albus Dumbledore?

[info]cr_mod I have Barty Crouch Jr ([info]cursethentalk) and would adore to see his daddy-dearest in game. Barty and him don't have the best relationship, Jr has just moved out of home and is also a fairly new DE recruit.

Finally! Over at [info]mmovement_mod I play Scorpius Malfoy ([info]slyscorpius) and would love to see his younger siblings in play. I've named them Pavo and Druella though their names are up to be changed.
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Ron Weasley! [28 Aug 2011|09:21pm]
Hi! I'm Chelsea, I play Hermione Granger (this journal) over at [info]sixdegreesrpg and Hermione would really love a Ron. What their relationship is like is more than a little open, except that they're not currently romantically involved. If you're interested, please please comment here or shoot me an e-mail or IM, at senslogine[at] for both!
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