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Michael Corner! [01 Mar 2011|11:28am]
Terry Boot ([info]dynamitebootsie) would absolutely ADORE someone to pick up his best mate since forever, Michael Corner at [info]keeplivingrpg via [info]keeplivingmods. They've been best friends since they were 11, and after their 3rd half was killed in the Battle of Hogwarts lost touch for awhile but eventually reconciled. The game takes place in 2006, so some time has passed since the war. Terry is currently a Healer at St. Mungo's and a single father, and could use some epic bromance times. PM this journal if you'd like more info.
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[01 Mar 2011|05:34pm]
Rolf Scamander is wanted over at [info]liberalis for my Luna. A ship isn't necessary, but she just needs a shoulder, really. Xeno has recently been killed by Death Eaters and Voldie and she's having a hard time adjusting. She doesn't want to bother anyone she knows, so she's looking for someone new perhaps?
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[ viewing | March 1st, 2011 ]
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