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[31 Dec 2010|02:34am]
After browsing the game advertisement comms, I still don't feel like I can find a place to stick Victoire. Most of the Next-Gen games I've looked into are played out at Hogwarts after her time--if there is a Next-Gen, outside of Hogwarts game, I would love it if someone could direct me to one.

At this point she's in her early twenties and working for the Ministry.
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Damn you Potter! [31 Dec 2010|02:28pm]
Hello, I am a Draco and Scorpius player looking for either a Harry Potter or Albus Severus Potter. I would prefer a player who has read all seven books and isn't afraid to dump the epilogue.

I have been playing Draco since the third or fourth book? It's been so long I can't quite remember how long! If you have any questions, please let me know. I'm open to private story lines and public ganders.

Please take a look at my profile.
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