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[20 Dec 2010|12:02pm]

Hello there!

We're the mods over at [info]eighth_rpg and we're looking for a few characters to fill some holes in our amazing cast.

Lucius Malfoy - We would love to see an active Lucius in game, as would his wife and son. Lucius has been previously played as neutral, but wasn't active enough that you couldn't put your own spin on it and change his direction either way.

Percy Weasley - Your parents are dead! Unfortunately, Molly and Arthur Weasley have just been killed, and Bill, Charlie, George, Ron and Ginny need their missing brother.

Hannah Abbott and Zacharias Smith - Our players want to see a few more Hufflepuffs so their tight-knit group can grow.

Blaise Zabini and Gregory Goyle - Theodore, Draco and Daphne would love to see some more snakes around.

Ministry workers - Especially those that could be swayed to either the light or the dark side.

The game opened on the 29th of November and is full of active and friendly players. There is always plot in the works and you're welcome to create your own. Premise, rules, available characters etc are all available by clicking the mod journal.

We hope to see you there!
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[20 Dec 2010|04:27pm]
Hullo, I play over at [info]quarantine_mod and Meaghan here is looking for her paired partner, Miles Bletchley. They're supposed to be getting married on the 28th. They don't really know each other at all. And I'm up for anything really. Thanks!
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Future Perfect wants YOU! [20 Dec 2010|06:53pm]
Hello Fandom!

I'm Elise, a mod at the brand new RPG called Future Perfect and I'm here searching for applicants for many, many characters. Hermione wants a Harry and Ron! Charlie needs more Weasleys! Draco and Tracey need some Slytherins (Pansy! Greg! Blaise!) to be  smug and annoying with! Luna would adore a Dean to swap war stories with!

We are trying our hardest to keep Future Perfect drama-free from the very onset so don't be wary of joining because you haven't interacted with us in fandom before. We don't bite! We welcome newbies and seasoned veterans alike, as long as you have some experience writing in fandom that we can look to as your resume of sorts.

We will be focusing on the politics, economics, and governmental structure of the Wizarding World two and a half years after the Second Wizarding War, and the role of the young generation in the shaping of their world. We want writers who are interested in working on their craft, and players concerned with character development. We are less concerned that your PB is a gorgeous movie star, or that you've spent hours formatting your character journal and photoshopping banners.

We want SMART and SASSY rpers with a penchant for LITERARY MAGNIFICENCE and POLITICAL DISCOURSE. And we know you are out there.

Come check us out! 
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