Find a Player!'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Find a Player!

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[11 Oct 2010|09:35pm]
Hey everyone! I've been out of the HP circuit for several years and I'm looking to get back into some games. I've been RPing since 2003, but took a break from HP when I moved over here from GJ. There's a little more about me in this journal.

What I DO Want in a Game: Non-elitist, canon compliant! I prefer Trio/Post-DH games, but I'm good with MWPP and Next-Gen, too! I like games that are outside of Hogwarts and focus on the characters as adults. Freedom for darker storylines, freedom to have my own storyline arcs outside of the main plot. I'm a stickler for canon and age-appropriate PBs, too.

What I DON'T Want in a Game: I'm not interested in super policed, nitpicky games. If your game is the type to ban an entire network or show of actors and actresses, or has a banned PB list longer than 10 names, no thanks. I don't like slash, resurrection, or crossover games. No in-Hogwarts games unless professors are playable.

Characters I Play: Ethnic/Nationality Minorities, Former Ravenclaws/Slytherins, -- Bradley, -- Chambers, -- Moon, S. Fawcett, Padma Patil, Kevin Entwhistle, Terence Higgs, -- Vaisey, Oliver Wood, Zacharias Smith, original characters, etc.

You can contact me through this post, via my drop box in this journal, or just send me a PM! Thanks. :]
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