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[21 Aug 2010|12:05pm]
I'm looking for a Hannah Abbott to fill a vacancy in [info]irreparable. Our last Hannah vanished and left Neville pretty lonely. Here's what's been going on. I'm flexible to some changes, but I'd like to keep the essence the same seeing how some big gamewide plot has revolved around this.

Hannah was married to a muggle and working at the Leaky. When Tom named her his successor, an in-hiding Death Eater (Cecily Winchester, to be specific) who had, during the war, been the one to frighten off Fortescue and kidnap Ollivander, killed Hannah's husband. Hannah and her baby weren't home. That was the start of June.

Since then Neville has been visiting at the Leaky and watching her daughter occasionally. He was previously terrified of babies but he really adores her daughter. Neville ended up recognizing Winchester when she came to the Leaky to finish the job and he chased her down and caught her in an epic chase/fight.

I'd really like to keep the widowed with a kid past because it fits into game plot and I really liked Neville being enamored with her baby. Otherwise we can talk about character/pbs/histories/etc.

Someone? Please?
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[21 Aug 2010|04:52pm]
Hello, hello. I'm Ashe and I'm a player over at [info]unforgivenrpg a redux of an older game from '08/'09. It was a successful game then, and it's looking to be pretty active again this go around. It's an AU post-Hogwarts game where the Death Eaters won and are now putting pretty strict rules into place on the citizens of the Wizarding world.

I play both Adrian Pucey (a Death Eater) and Emma 'Silas' Dobbs a Hufflepuff with a Death Eater father. Both of them are in what is called the Arranged Marriage Program, where all purebloods are required to get married to other purebloods to create a 'perfect pureblood society'. Currently I am looking for a Natalie McDonald (engaged to Adrian) and Urquhart (engaged to Emma, who goes by Silas).

[info]asailor ADRIAN PUCEY is a slytherpuff that works at his family lighthouse alone. He's rather quiet and stoic and not all that social, but he's hard-working and kind hearted. He's never even killed anyone, even as a Death Eater. He used to be, prior to the war, in a very serious relationship with Justin Finch-Fletchly, though he's not gay, he just happened to fall in love with Justin and they were making a really good go of things until Justin found out Adrian took the mark. WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR: Natalie is a bit younger then him and I'm not really picky on how she is being played. I am interested in possibly having her be of a higher society than Adrian just for the dynamic of her having to adjust to living in a poorer climate, but I am completely open. Obviously there would be some tension as Adrian is still in love with Justin but he can't be with Justin as 1) he's in hiding and 2) Justin is a guy and 3) Justin is a muggle-born.

[info]wide_eyed SILAS DOBBS is sixteen and a hufflepuff that is naturally a good person, really social (though on first meetings can be rather shy), and tries to find the good in everyone. Her dad has been a Death Eater for a long time, though she just recently found out as the war became much more public. Most recently she was abused by a couple of her dad's death eater friends and they burned their initials into her cheek; it was after that that her father put her in the Arranged Marriage Program and she is to be married off to Urquhart. WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR: I'm not at all picky about Urquhart, I'd just really like to see him in game!

If your interested or would like more information please comment below, the game just opened last night so we're still in the early stages.
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