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[16 Jul 2010|01:48am]
I was randomly attacked by a character bunny the other night, and I've decided to find a place to potentially house this character - which I think might be harder than it sounds.

I have an idea for a pureblood female - one who is a true believer in the superiority of purebloods and the cause to keep their lines pure. She intends to marry and have children (or has) simply because she sees it as her duty as a pureblood to produce pureblooded children - in spite of the fact she's a lesbian. She is a true socialite - she has manners, poise, and is well-read and knowledgeable enough to carry on conversations, but she also knows when to shut up, smile, and be quietly supportive arm candy for her husband.

I think she'd likely fit best in a game set in the late 70s and early 80s - preferably not in school. Although, I could also get into something set during the rise of Grindelwald and all that jazz, too, if a game like that exists.

If possible, I'd love for her fiancé or husband to be in play or to work out a line with someone to take to a game. He would have to be pureblood, potentially a canon DE we don't know much about.

If anyone knows of any games where she might fit or is looking for a wife for their DE or other pureblood character and is interested in my idea, please let me know.
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Liberalis! [16 Jul 2010|12:37pm]
[info]liberalis via [info]liberalis_mods is still searching for various key characters (and plenty of others) before it opens on July 23rd! It's a Post-Warts game set in 2003 with only certain aspects of Deathly Hallows being canon. Read the premise here.

We're still in need of Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, and George Weasley in order to complete this generation of the Weasley-clan! :3 We could also use Dean Thomas, Ernie MacMillan, and Lee Jordan! There are plenty of other characters already casted for them to interact with, and we'd love to have any one of them!

On the other side, we're in serious need of more Death Eaters. Rabastan Lestrange, Amycus Carrow, Walden Macnair and plenty of others are still open! While we're on that note, I'd personally love to have someone come in and pick up Gaspard Nott - Theodore's father - who has considerable history within his family to play with! You can find more information for him on the Wanted Character list!

There are dozens of other characters open, we're a very friendly bunch of players, and we'd love to have anyone apply!

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[16 Jul 2010|06:50pm]
Hi! I'm Trin. I'm looking for a home. AN HP Home, to be exact. Any Era is fine - although I love Post-Hogwarts\Next Gen AU;s the best. I've got a bunch of Darker minded characters I want to play and it's been eons! You can find me here or @ TrinityNikol on aim! I hope you guys can help!
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