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The Alley: Searching for Characters [15 Jun 2010|10:13am]
Hi! [info]alleyrpg is a Next-Gen game set in 2030, with a bit of a different twist. Wizards have started to join the modern age (computers, tv, cell phones that all run on magic) and not everyone is happy about it. On July 1st the inner circle of the WWAT (Wizards and Witches Against Technology) is going to perform a spell that has far reaching and unexpected consequences. The game has the potential to be really fun and interesting, and we have a great cast so far. But! We're missing a few people:

[info]luly is looking for her older sister Molly. (Other Weasleys up for grabs: Hugo, Dominque, Louis, and Rose)

[info]lupin_ted is looking for some mates from the Hogwarts years

Other character ideas: people older than 24! Aurors! Curse breakers! Actors/Actresses! Writers! Potions experts! anti-MagiTech fellows! Quidditch players! And more! Check out [info]alleymods for more info!
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[ viewing | June 15th, 2010 ]
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