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Rodolphus? [22 Mar 2010|10:02am]
[info]breaking_point is a fabulous game rich with plot and amazing players. It's set in 2025, and Voldemort has returned from the dead and is once more trying to gather his followers in order to take over the wizarding world. Right now we're looking for Rodolphus Lestrange as well the Longbottoms and several other characters.

Rodolphus is much wanted by his wife and brother who have turned Lestrange Manor into headquarters for Voldemort and his followers. Bella miss having someone to share torture and games with and Rabastan is soon to get married to Lily Potter, they're newest recruited Death Eater.

The Longbottoms returned some time ago, and have taken up their old jobs as Aurors. Neville who is soon going to be a father misses his parents greatly and the Aurors need them in the fight against Voldemort.

There are many other character up for grabs, so please have a look at our Characters list to find out who is wanted most and who is taken. We’re very open to OCs and in need of students, teachers, Death Eaters, Aurors and Hit-wizards just to mention a few different groups.

Curious? Feel free to ask the mods at Holds are valid up to a week and requested through mail.
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Salem Academy - An American Harry Potter game on Inksome [22 Mar 2010|02:22pm]
Salem Academy needs a team captain for the Wardwell house quodpot team! All other houses have quarterback/captains already and we need one more, before the quodpot finals later this year.

Requirements: Wardwell traits [similar to Slytherin house]. A level head. The ability to strategize. And most importantly, the ability to keep the team working together, because Lord knows there's way too much in-fighting in this house. Someone has to make sure the team works together on the field like a well-oiled machine.

Are you up for the task?

See here for other wanted characters!
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[22 Mar 2010|04:18pm]
Okay, where are Alicia Spinnet, Katie Bell, Oliver Wood and Fred and George Weasley? Angelina is all alone over at [info]confringorpg and needs some mates to worry over or spend time with. She's chosen not to choose sides in the epic war surrounding them, but that doesn't mean she's stopped loving her mates.

And we need some more Quidditch Players! With so many people on the run or in jail, your character is bound to have a chance to play!

While we're looking for people, where are all the Death Eaters? You have an entire society to rule over and none of you are coming out to play. For shame!

We're also looking for Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Susan Bones, Cho Chang, Dean Thomas, Arthur and Molly Weasley and about a million other characters.
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