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[06 Aug 2009|12:12am]
Hello, I'm Anna, but that is really not very important.

This, however, is Fabian Prewett, resident charming, articulate, troublesome lush. He is also an auror and a member of the Order of the Phoenix at [info]bumpers. He's kind of a big deal. He likes muggle things, but doesn't really understand any of them. He's also a mischievous little shit.

He'd like to see Edgar Bones and Emmeline Vance, especially if they're awesome and contribute to Fabian's delusions of grandeur, or else, keep him grounded. Numerous others are also available and also awesome.

For the benefit of my Severus Snape, I would request more death eaters. We are lacking, though the ones we have are brilliant. Mulciber, Amycus Carrows, Rabastan Lestrange, Barty Crouch Jr., Amycus Carrows, Antonin Dolohov, etc. Basically, anyone who is even a bit evil. Snape needs friends.
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Amycus Carrow, pls? [06 Aug 2009|11:36am]
Hi there!

I'm Brianna and I'm currently playing Alecto Carrow ([info]alecto__carrow) over at [info]wished via [info]wishedmod -- It's a Trio-Based AU game that diverges from canon midway through Half-Blood Prince and aims to honor canon while allowing players to craft their own end to the story we all spent years following, -- and I am desperately seeking Amycus Carrow to play along side my Alecto.

Details about how I envision their relationship can be viewed here. In short I have it so Amycus is both the bane of her existence, and everything to her. The two of them do have a tendency to get into arguments, mainly about who is right, or better, or something pointless. He is the one that Alecto relies heavily on to keep her "sane". Amycus is one of the few people that Alecto would gladly die for.

I am of course willing to alter things about their love/hate relationship, and plot out any backstory / history / interaction you would like. I'm pretty flexible, and I'm desperate at this point. I have a few PBs in mind, but I am always open for other suggestions!

If this interests you, comment here and we can talk plot, ideas, and what not! Or IM: girly deadpool, or e-mail: maynotbepure[at]aol[dot]com or just PM this journal.
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