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[17 Jul 2009|05:00am]
Hi everyone! I'm Amanda and I play Ginny Weasley at [info]en_passant. It's a post-DH RPG that isn't epilogue compliant with a twist. The RPG is brand new and hasn't started yet due to lack of characters and despite there being lots open I'm specifically hoping to find a Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom and members of the Weasley Clan for Ginny to spend time and have some time with. Please contact me if you're interested in playing one of those characters and I'll link you to their holds page.
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[17 Jul 2009|10:38am]
Hi! I'm Angela, the mod at Chaos Awakened ([info]chaosawakened) and I'm looking for a few lines to be filled for a couple of my characters.

The first is Augustus Rookwood. He's needed for both overall plot and for a side-plot with Marlene McKinnon (and a later appearance by Regulus Black). For more details, please feel free to PM this journal and I'd be happy to provide information. He would also be liked by our current Death Eaters.

The second is Antigonus Montague. He's the future-father of Graham Montague from Harry's generation. He's wanted mainly by his wife, Arcadia, of approximately a month and a half. Their's was an arranged marriage, but the way she's being played it seems she doesn't mind him at all. It would just be nice to have her significant other around for her to interact with.

The third, and final, character wanted is Severus Snape. Who doesn't want this one in their community? He's wanted for overall plot, as well as causing some minor drama for Lily. Lily is about to find out she's pregnant and it would be awesome to have Snape around to react to the news. It would also be interesting to have them having sort of made up and friendly again.

If anyone is interested, feel free to either PM this journal or email me at Thanks a bunch!
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Searching for New Characters/Players [17 Jul 2009|11:01am]
Hi! I'm Terry Boot, resident social fairy over at [info]charing_cross and some of my friends are wondering where certain individuals have run off to.

Ron, Ginny & Charlie would like Bill, Percy, George and Fleur to know that there's some Big Weasley Drama coming up (A surprise engagement! An illicit affair! Missing puppies oh noes!!) that they'll be needed for!! (Lee would also like George to know he's a complete wanker for falling off the face of the Earth.)

Draco Malfoy would like some former-Slytherin pals around, especially as he's giving a charity ball next month and if he has to suffer through a party filled with Gryffindors, he's going to need back up. And Firewhiskey. Lots and lots of Firewhiskey. So if you know where Blaise, Pansy, Daphne, Theo and others have flittered off to, let him know. Before he drowns his sorrows in shagging Ginny Weasley

Marcus Flint could use an Oliver or Percy to pal around with. Or, you know, start up former house rivalries again. Or snog. Oliver also has to lead his World Cup Quidditch team to victory in August, and there are many fangirls who are searching for him. Perhaps that's why he's in hiding when not at Quidditch practice?

And as for me, I could use my bffs Michael, Anthony, Mandy and Stephen. Also, there's a dire lack of Hufflepuffs hanging about, so Ernie, Susan, Justin and Hannah should come home soon.

Okay, guess that's it. As for our world, Charing Cross, it's is a light hearted, social setting in 2003. Focus is on characterization and fun, short-lived plots. Upcoming ideas include: a high-risk broom race, the aforementioned Quidditch World Cup, a Magical Menagerie escape and missing shadows! We've just incorporated character journals into our game, and there is tons of opportunity for interaction with challenge threads and character development exercises.
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