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Seeking Oliver Wood & Others [12 Jun 2009|03:45pm]
Oi! Oliver Wood! Get your cute behind over to [info]charing_cross immediately! Your fellow players on the World Cup team would appreciate their Captain be involved in training for the upcoming World Cup Match against France! Your pal Penny would love to see you too!

Speaking of Penny, she'd also enjoy seeing her ex-boyfriend Percy Weasley around. Where are you Perce? You've got brothers and a sister who'd also like to bully you into attending family dinners. (Bill, George, Fleur: if you're listening you're required as well!)

While [info]charing_cross has got a lot of former Ravenclaws, Gryffindors and Slytherins, it's sadly lacking Hufflepuffs. So if your name is Ernie MacMillan, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott or Justin Finch-Fletchley (or anyone else from the House of Hard Work), get your patatooties over right away!

And you older folk! Don't think there's not room for you too! Gawain Robards and Kingsley Shacklebolt would certainly like some of their agemates around, so if you're Molly or Arthur Weasley, Lucius or Narcissa Malfoy, or Andromeda Tonks (to name a few) there's room for you too!

[info]charing_cross is a light hearted, social game set in 2003. Focus is on characterization and fun, short-lived plots. Upcoming ideas include: a high-risk broom race, the aforementioned Quidditch World Cup, a Magical Menagerie escape and missing shadows! We've just incorporated journals into our game, and there is tons of opportunity for interaction with challenge threads and character development exercises.
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[ viewing | June 12th, 2009 ]
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