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[07 Jun 2009|10:02pm]

Did you hear the rumours? Their starting up the Inquisitorial Squad again. Which means they're rallying for bigger forces before "things get out of hand." I figure while they're gathering their numbers we'll add to ours. There are a few I think we could convince into joining us, like Parvati Patil, Geoffrey Hooper, Victoria Frobisher and Jack Sloper. Rebellion's not so bad, especially if it's sticking it to those Death Eater scum.

I'll be at [info]thispurgatory keeping an eye out for potential candidates to join us. You lot get ready for something big. The Inquisitorial Squads definitely going to make things interesting in the coming months. You wait and see - they won't know what hit 'em.

- N. Longbottom.

P.S. This Purgatory is a 7th year DH compliant game. We're based in Hogwarts and Hogwarts only. Full of game plot and activities for pro-active players we'd love to see more 6th years, halfbloods, males, politically neutral as well as pro-voldemort characters! (We'd crucio kittens for a Crabbe and/or Goyle!!) For more info see here
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[ viewing | June 7th, 2009 ]
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