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[21 May 2009|01:59pm]
Down for some dastardly deeds? Interested in outshining your former "boss"? Wish to further the purist cause?

Then you sound like the perfect VINCENT CRABBE. [info]thispurgatory is very interested in casting Mr Crabbe ASAP! The game is a canon-compliant Deathly Hallows game, focusing on the students Harry left behind at Hogwarts. Crabbe really comes into his own this year, particularly excelling at Dark Arts and all things nasty-like! His friend, Gregory Goyle, would also be dearly loved (or secretly abhorred) by all! These two are the only ones missing from our cast of 7th year Slytherins!

[info]thispurgatory is a dark-themed and plot driven. The game opened (real-time) May 15th - one week ago! We're very active already and off to a great start in character development. The rebellion is just starting to get off it's feet, led by our fantastic Neville Longbottom ([info]snakekiller) and his close friends Ginny Weasley ([info]fairgin) & Luna Lovegood ([info]quibbling).

We're still looking to round out our cast with some more Pro-Carrows/Pro-Voldemort characters! Although Crabbe & Goyle are currently our top two desires, others we would like to see include purist Hufflepuffs/Gryffindors/Ravenclaws!. 'Evil' doesn't have to be confined to only the house of Salazar!

If evil isn't your thing, we are still accepting some fence sitters! We are no longer accepting future-DA recruits from 7th year (with the sole exception of the sisters Patil - both of whom are open and desired!). 6th year recruits are still welcomed! Males, in general, would be fantastic as well!

Other highly desired characters include: Parvati & Padma Patil, Wayne Hopkins, Andrew Kirke, Marcus Belby, and more!
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[21 May 2009|05:14pm]
Salutations, fine citizens!

I'm Tiff, I'm 22, and I have been playing journal-based HP games since 2004. I've played a ton of different characters over the years (Ron, George and Percy Weasley, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Theodore Nott, Millicent Bulstrode, Eloise Midgen, Blaise Zabini, Mordicus Egg, Dennis Creevey, Zacharias Smith, Morag MacDougal, Graham Pritchard, Bradley, Spinks, Chambers and Vaisey etc.) and will generally pick up whoever's most needed if I find a game that seems interesting. :)

What I'm Looking For:
- Grammar, no netspeak, and all that jazz.
- Mature players and a lack of OOC drama.
- Some kind of plot, and lots of character interaction! I hate to join a game, only to discover it's all cliques who aren't willing to interact with anyone new.
- Obviously there's always going to be some shipping, but I'd prefer if that wasn't the only thing going on, thanks (that means no smut/marriage-only games, please!).

I prefer trio-era or post-Hogwarts, but I'd be willing to try something new if everything else looked good.

What I Offer:

- Proper English, quality tags, and Britspeak (I'm Canadian, so the extra u's and re's come naturally ♥).
- A wide variety of characters: good guys, bad guys, nice guys, jerks, even a petty criminal here and there. I'd pick a flawed, quirky character over a popular, likeable one any day!

That said, I'm pretty picky, but tell me what you've got and who you need and I might just take a look-see.

Thanks in advance! :D
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