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Looking for a few new roles! [11 May 2009|03:26pm]
[fandom] HP
[character] Bellatrix Black/Lestrange, Lavender Brown, Gabrielle Delacour, Megan Jones, Mafalda Prewett (all working bios are in this journal)
[preferences] game or psl. livejournal or similar, aim or similar. please no multi/pan fandom games.
[name] Alicia
[age] 24
[experience] 10+ years experience. Links to my current & more recent characters/games are listed here at my character journal on ij.

[contact] comment here, aim: shadowboxrrbaby, yim/email:, msn:, or gmail/gtalk:
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[11 May 2009|05:13pm]
Hello! My name is Jamie and I am here on behalf of An Ill Wind at [info]illwindmod. It is an AU Marauder Era game that takes place in 1980. The full twist can be seen here but it is primarily just that Snape did not hear the prophecy, but Rita Skeeter did; Narcissa got pregnant later than in canon; no OotP members have been killed as of yet; and no discovery of the horcruxes have been made. The game is full of all sorts of plot for any kind of character for players to get their characters involved in. :)

But! I'm looking for a few things in particular. I play a bunch of different characters across the board - Marlene McKinnon, Andromeda Tonks, Calypso Bones, and Lucy Savage. Who I am looking for in particular, though, are for Calypso and Lucy.

Calypso is the wife of Edgar Bones. She isn't a member of the Order, but she does support it. What I would love to see is some friends for her! There are a whole slew of open characters that could be applied for that would fit the description and, really, I'm not very picky! It would just be wonderful if she could have some old school friends that she could talk to and such that aren't members of the Order or relatives.

As for Lucy, she is a Muggleborn Auror and a single mother of two. She was previously married to Barry Ryan and that's where her son and daughter came from, but they divorced shortly after their daughter was born just because they weren't really at the right time in their lives for marriage. (There's more in depth information here.) I'm not looking specifically for a shipping opportunity with this, but I would absolutely adore seeing him played. I would also like to see some more Ministry personnel (especially Aurors because I'm greedy!) such as John Dawlish, Proudfoot, Rufus Scrimgeour, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and Williamson.

If none of that fits what you might want in a character, still check it out! There are all sorts of open characters that you can see listed here! In general, the game is looking for more Ministry personnel, Death Eaters, DE supporters, and members of the media.

Hope to see you there!
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