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[17 Nov 2008|12:07pm]
Hello, my name is Niyki and I come from [info]contentious via [info]contentiousmods. The game itself is fabulous and is enjoying coasting through it's third month of play. We have just over 50 characters, and recently accumulated lots of delicious new blood - but we would ADORE some more. Contentious is set in 2001, and built upon the premise of a viva la social revolution where wizarding society as you knew it copes with the changes post-war. It's a fun game with plenty of silly light plots like love potions and orgasm candy to keep it from being overtly dark, but we do have serious plots in progress - including one about the CARROWS TRIALS which will be opening sometime near Christmas.

We'd particularly love more characters who would have something to say about the Carrows. So anyone from the graduation year 1998 would be very welcome. Especially MICHAEL CORNER, PADMA PATIL (we have a Parvati!), PANSY PARKINSON, students forced to torture their classmates! Classmates who were tortured and abused! Bring them on, we'd really love to see them!

Also, we'd like a PENELOPE CLEARWATER, a KATIE BELL, MARCUS FLINT, DRACO MALFOY, GREGORY GOYLE, CHO CHANG (we have a Marietta! And classmates! Lots of classmates!), ERNIE MACMILLAN (we have nearly ALL the known Hufflepuffs from his year and house now! And they miss their Ernie!), VAISEY, LISA TURPIN and more! Check the holds page if you want to see more names.

And if that isn't enough, you can also try your hand at some of our available relatives who were kindly donated for casting, such as Demelza's older brother Howell, or Charlotte River's older brother, Dorian.

We think you should join us, because chances are, you're awesome and we're dying to play with you. ;-)
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[17 Nov 2008|02:37pm]
y halo thar! I'm here in regards to [info]anewperspective, via [info]perspectivemod. I play Lavender Brown and Daphne Greengrass and I'm basically here for selfish reasons!

First off, Lavender would really love to have a Seamus around. He's the love interest, but she's dealing with the whole being bitten by Fenrir Greyback business, and she's a werewolf now. Not that it says so in the book, but I took that and put it into her history, worked around it and such. I have written about Seamus in her history and how they were together for a while in school after her and Ron broke up. It'd just be something really interesting to play out and she'd love to have the support and friendship. Open to all storylines!

And Daphne would just like to see some more friends around. Maybe Adrian and Tracey. Some of the older alumni's from her house. She tends to get along with the older people than with the kids her age for the most part. Not as needy as Lavender!

So, come take a look, lots of characters still open, but I'd love love love to see a Seamus for Lavender! Thanks :)
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[17 Nov 2008|10:26pm]
I realize that this is probably a long shot. But I really want to play Hermione somewhere. She seems to be taken everywhere. I know. But, i thought it was worth a shot. I'd prefer to play her Post-Hogwarts but I am willing to play her during any time period really. I'd love to see any games that you guys have! I have plenty of experience as I have been playing for about 11 years now. Long time. I am of legal age, too. I'd also like it if there was a Ron Weasley player. I can't lie. I love Hermione and Ron together! 

So -- I hope this is enough. And I hope that I can find a great game! Thanks!
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