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I'll keep this short and sweet. [01 Jul 2008|12:27am]
Give me all your Next Gen games that have James Sirius Potter available for play and I'll love you forever. Long shot, I know, but I've had the biggest urge to play him lately and the muse won't leave me alone :[

Thanks in advance!
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[01 Jul 2008|07:28am]
Hi! I play Alecto over at [Sleeping with ghosts][info]swgrpg. It takes place in 1978 and it's really fun! The game just started! It has a great player base.

I'm looking for a Rabastan Lestrange. Alecto has has a really bad crush on him since she was in school, he's a little older than her (by 2 years). She plays against him best when he's played as being the 'quiet, creepy' kid in school. Y'know,'watch out for the quiet ones' kind of creepy XD?

Anyways, leave comment if you are interested! :D
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[01 Jul 2008|03:04pm]
Hello, I'm Dy and I'm looking for somewhere to play Hugo Weasley. A game where he has yearmates and housemates, please. There's nothing sadder than being the only 4th year when everyone else is a 7th year. Post-Hogwarts would be fantastic too. More fantastic, actually. I'd like to throw him into Slytherin, if possible. Or Hufflepuff.

He's scared of all things Muggle, hates going into Grandpa Arthur's shed of Crazy Batteries but surprisingly gets on well with the Grangers. Plenty of cousins around would be awesome - a Lily to play with would be nice too. Fluffy, humour, crack, Dark, anything really. I am fully prepared to have the game entirely centred on Albus. That is All Right with me (but not Hugo, lmao).

Ron's temper and moodiness. Hermione's "I told you so!".
Has ten thousand business ventures up his sleeve.
Will be the best damned Mediwizard ever ever ever.

Anyone interested? :] IM me at mocha wings or comment for further plottingness.
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