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[29 Jun 2008|07:26pm]
Hello, I'm Lux and I play Isaac here in Renascent Years ([info]rymods, a next generation Harry Potter game. The game opened in late April and we are currently at the end of October in game wise. There is currently an Interhouse Challenge being put in place to promote house unity (or more team rivalry depending on who's in your team!) and we would love more players!

Hugo Weasley, Rose Weasley, Louis Weasley and Dominique Weasley in particular. Your Potter cousins are all present and accounted for and they're awesome and want the other members of their insane family to join them!

Hufflepuff characters! Entwhistle, Hopkins, Finch-Fletchley, MacMillan and Thomas are some of the names we would love to see the most. Kudos if you bring in an atypical Hufflepuff! On the same token I would love to see some more Slytherin Girls in particular. A female Zabini would be loved and welcomed by her housemates with rose petals or something similar.

Quidditch players! Surprisingly aside from the Gryffindors, all the other houses are rather lacking in Quidditch members. If you have a muse who flies on a broom and particularly likes playing with bats, balls or snitches, please bring them over!
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[29 Jun 2008|09:22pm]
Are there any games out there without the magical journal concept?

If not, I'd appreciate pimps from games that have not yet started. No next-gen or crazy AU concepts, though. I have the most experience with Hogwarts, but I'm willing to branch out in favor of a different setting if the plot is focused enough. A wizard office post-Hogwarts of either the Marauders' era or the 1980's time would be fun. None of those "let's pick up the pieces after the war" games, though.

If you think I might be even just vaguely interested in your game, please go right ahead and post it! I'm not nearly as critical as that last paragraph made me seem.
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