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[28 May 2008|08:55am]
Hey, I'm Kaitee and I play Dorea Black-Potter [info]dorea_pur (among others) over at [info]the_love_boat (AU, everyone from the wizarding world, past present and future, comes onto a cruise ship). Her husband Charlus was recently bumped from the game due to inactivity, so I come here looking to see if anyone would be interested in taking him up.

The history between them is this: They were an arranged marriage, and only a few days after the wedding they realised that they despised each other. But, despite their many differences, they still enjoyed an active sexlife and a few momths into the marriage Dorea got pregnant.

Before the original Charlus left, we had a plot going on where Dorea and Charlus slowly begin to figure out how much they really care about each other.

I have a few threads between them saved if anyone wants to see them. I'm more than willing to work with anyone on adjustments to the plot. Just leave me a comment here.

While I'm at it...

Gabrielle Delacour would like to see her sister and/or her parents. Dominicus Lestrange wants to meet his son Rodolphus. Frank Longbottom thinks it'd be great if his mother showed up on the ship. Morag MacDougal would like to see more Ravenclaws, and Theodore Nott feels the same about Slytherins. And Salazar Slytherin would love to see his good friend Godric.

And even if you're not interested in Charlus Potter or any of those characters, I recomend checking out [info]the_love_boat anyway. It's a great game.
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[28 May 2008|10:08am]
Hello! I am a player and one of the mods at [info]landing_rpg. It is an AU Next Gen Harry Potter Game with an amazing cast.

Who I play and who they would like to see:

- Piper Wood: ([info]littletwinwood) Piper is a 5th year Gryffindor ball of fun, she's the only daughter of Oliver Wood and Katie Bell, she's looking for her twin brother Porter Wood to be around. He's a 5th year Ravenclaw. The Wood family is only missing Porter, both Oliver Jr. and Nate are in play! Where are you Porter Wood!!!

- Guinness St. James: (lj user="beaterguinesss"> Guinness is a 7th year Gryffindor beater, and she would love to see more of those great looking men around! She'd also love to have a few more of her dorm mates. So far it is just her and Darcy Warrington. Where are you Gryffindor 7th years?

- Jamison Peaks: ([info]jamisonpeaks Jamison is a 6th year Hufflepuff muggle born fellow who loves football, and I mean REALLY loves it. The 6th year Hufflepuffs have all of their girls, but only two boys around. He'd love more of his dormmates. Jamison also has a younger brother Vince a 5th year Gryffindor and an older sister Kara a 7th year Gryffindor! Jamison would love for his family to be around.

- Zara Flint: ([info]flintz Zara is a 6th year Slytherin Chaser. She's one of the 4 Flint kids and isn't exactly the normal Slytherin, she is smart, but doesn't really let people know that. She's got a good heart, but wont let people know that... And she wants some dormmates. She is so far the only 6th Slytherin girl in play. In General Zara would like to see more Slytherins. She'd also like to see some more men around too....

- Saxen Krum ([info]saxkrum Saxen is a 7th year Ravenclaw. She's a Triplet and would REALLY LOVE to have her sister Alyssa Krum around. Two of the three Krums are in play. Saxen is the only one in Ravenclaw. Miklos and Alyssa are both in Slytherin. Saxen would love to have her sister around and complete the three of them! Saxen is focused mostly on Quidditch and being as good as she can be at everything.. A lot of that is because she feels left out sometimes that Miklos and Alyssa are so close, while she is in a different house. Our Miklos would LOVE to have Alyssa around as well!!

When it comes to the game in general. MEN WHERE ARE YOU? We've got more girls than boys... And we really need some 5th years as well. Hufflepuff and Slytherin could use a few more kids as well!

Also some other characters we'd love to see: Frank Longbottom, Rose Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Jenna Towler, and more!

Check out [info]landing_mods for more information. Hope to see you soon.
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