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[19 May 2008|12:55am]
Hi, I'm Isabel and I play Amycus Carrow ([info]carrow) here. In addition to what our Narcissa has said a few posts below, [info]scotopia would just LOVE a few more Death Eaters. Currently, the Order's leading by a few members and we can't have that! :( Available Death Eaters include: Antonin Dolohov, Rodolphus Lestrange (Bellatrix [info]niger would love to have her husband, I'm sure), LUCIUS MALFOY (because yes, Narcissa [info]narcissy would need her future husband nearby to wreak his eavils), Augustus Rookwood, Thruston Yaxley, Triston Nott, Thorfin Rowle, etc.

As for siblings who need siblings: George & Amelia Bones (for Edgar [info]edgarr), Gretchen & Jane Cardew (for Penny [info]cardew), Newton Jewkes (for Magencio [info]magencio), and Caitriona MacDougal (for Aengus [info]aengus).

Complete character list is right here.

It's a great game. Medium-sized but the size makes it manageable. Players are approachable, the mods are helpful and really friendly. :D

PS: Amycus would appreciate a best buddy. Preferably a fellow Death Eater but, you know, it'll be fun to play out a Death Eater/Order best buddy line. In comes the angst, much plottage, and what may be a very interesting death scene. Or is that too General Hospital? ;) PM me on [info]carrow if you're interested. (Am personally seeing either Rowle or Yaxley for it but whoever fits! :D)
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[info]conquest [19 May 2008|05:47pm]
Hi, I'm Frances, and I play Ruby Tugwood at [info]conquest (we open tomorrow!) and we really need some male holds. Check the list of characters to see who is available. There's a wide range of boys to choose from in each house.

I'm going to show a bit of nepotism here and ask you to please, please hold a GRYFFINDOR 5th YEAR boy. There's only one so far and I'm sure he's wanting friends. Also, I am completely amazed that there haven't been holds put on Daniel Longbottom or Fred Weasley, but they're open for the taking!

With that said, LONGBOTTOMS specifically are wanted. I've already mentioned Daniel, who is in Gryffindor house, his elder brother Frank is a 7th year Hufflepuff.

HUFFLEPUFFS, hard working and loyal, are needed to balance out the rest of the houses. 5th through 7th have openings.

5th YEARS all around in each of the four houses are open. Quite a few have elder siblings. younger students can be just as fun as the older students.

So again, the game is [info]conquest, and we need BOYS of all shapes and sizes. It looks like its going to be really great so come join us!
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Come one, come all, to the greatest show on Earth! [19 May 2008|11:19pm]
Hi everyone, I'm Eve, the mod, Michael, and Severus over at [info]goodriddancrpg. We're looking for quite a few people, so this might be a bit long, but it's worth reading it.

Michael, and his ever expanding group of friends (Terry, Anthony, and Susan Bones), are in desperate search of a Hannah Abbott. We need Hufflepuffs in general, but a Hannah Abbott would be awesome. We're looking for someone upbeat, outgoing, and friendly to join the group. Michael told Terry over the summer he heard a rumour that Hannah had a crush on Terry (which he completely made up) and now Terry is head over heels for her. Nothing will happen, because really, Michael and Terry are made for each other, but until the silly boys figure it out, it's bound to make things interesting to have Hannah around. Plus, our Susan really needs a gal pal to help fight the testosterone when they all get together.

Severus, Remus, and Dora would love to have some more adult characters around - specifically Shacklebolt, ALL WEASLEYS (except Ginny), The Lestranges, and The Malfoys. We really could use these people for plotly reasons!! We need to get the Death Eater/Order plots going, and it's no fun if I (the mod) have to NPC EVERYONE!

And, perhaps most importantly, the game as a whole needs Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Hermione is already waiting on them. The Trio has returned to school (no need for them to be out camping and not interacting), and they have lots of work to do! There are NEWTs, quidditch, prefectures... not to mention finding and destroying Horcruxes, tracking down Malfoy (Dumbledore's murderer), and saving the wizarding world.

There are plenty of open roles. Just because you don't see your favourite character listed, doesn't mean they are taken. Check us out!
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