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[01 Feb 2008|01:46pm]
Hi everybody! My name is Keely. I play Pansy Parkinson over at [info]wizangst, an AU 7th-year RPG in dire need of members. Pansy needs more friends and allies... as well as enemies! It would be great if we had Draco, Harry, Luna, or any of the other currently-unplayed characters. Mosey on down to [info]angstmod to check out the rules and apply—which I hope you do, because I'd love to see you there!
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[01 Feb 2008|04:53pm]
Hi y'all! I'm Brandi, and I'm here to pimp out my characters in a BRAND NEW GAME that's opening on Feb. 2nd and find some people to come hang out with them.

Firstly, I have GAWAIN ROBARDS ([info]vs_the_knights), Auror extraordinaire. He is the Deputy Head of the Auror Department, under Head Auror Rufus Scrimgeour. Gawain and I would absolutely love to have more AURORS around. So far, it's just Gawain, Rufus, and pre-mad-eye Moody out there doing that Auror thing. Other ministry personnel would not be turned away, including others in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the Department of Mysteries (poor GusGus Rookwood is all alone down there), and just pretty much anyone in the Ministry who wants to be involved in the war.

Secondly, I have HESTIA JONES ([info]from_the_hearth), a new radio personality. Fresh from Hogwarts, her show "From the Hearth" is due to premiere on Monday. She is, at the moment, an Order supporter, and other than her and Moody, there's nobody already in the game who is a member of or supports the ORDER OF THE PHOENIX! This is just not acceptable, y'know? Some characters are already held, but there's still plenty of familiar names to pick from.

[info]blurred_lines is a dark AU MWPP-era game set in real time, 1979, and it is focused on characters involved in the war in some way, whether they are directly fighting in it, supporting it one way or another, or shaping the public's views on it. Any canon character can be applied for, as long as they fit into that mold.

Head on over to the game and check us out! We're opening on February 2nd, 2008!
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