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[10 Nov 2009|05:34am]
Hey are there any red haired babies out there that are iconed? It's a girl. Also any red headed little girl to use when she's aged would be great. Her parents are these people. Luckily, we already have a teenager picked out ( this girl ), it's just getting younger PBs that's the problem.
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[info]find_a_pb! I NEED YOUR HALP! [10 Nov 2009|05:38am]
If you were Leighton Meester's fraternal twin brother... Who would you be?
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[10 Nov 2009|01:55pm]
Looking for a male, mid-20's with sensual features and dark hair that's a little long (curls at the collar). Eye color unimportant, though lighter (greys/light blues) would be better.

Thanks in advance!
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[10 Nov 2009|06:40pm]
PROFESSOR NEFERET of the house of night series. I am looking for her pb. She's an adult vampire. I'm going to say around mid 20's? I might be a little off.


Green eyes.
Long dark hair.
Tan skin.

Ohhhhh and a twin for Taylor Kistuch. <---- eeek i spelled that wrong.

Thanks in advance!
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[ viewing | November 10th, 2009 ]
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