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[23 Jul 2009|12:48am]
I'm looking for a PB for Harry Potter. Roughly age thirty-five to thirty-nine. So basically, thirty-something, male, dark hair, glasses (green eyes don't usually show well in 100x100 icons anyway so that's not the most important thing). My biggest problem is just that I want him older than all of the PBs for Potters that I've looked at beside Jason Behr.
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Madison Jeffries [23 Jul 2009|10:02am]
Hello everyone. Looking for a PB for an X-Men game for Madison Jeffries on Alpha Flight.

Sex: Male
Age: Mid 20s to Early 30s
Hair: Dark (Black, Dark Brown)
Eyes: Light (preferably blue)
Race: Caucasian
Other: Would really really really REALLY love it if the PB was Canadian

Thanks so much in advance!
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[23 Jul 2009|02:08pm]
I'm looking for two PBs and any help would be awesome!!

I need a Milo Ventimiglia who is not Milo.

I also need a Karl Urban who is not Karl Urban.

I know this is a weird, but I'm doing characters that I've played in the past and am itching for new faces, but don't want to get too far from what I'm used in the past, you know?
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Weasley Wanted!! [23 Jul 2009|02:19pm]
I need help finding a red head for at 18-year-old Charlie Weasley. You know, typical Weasley style - tall, freckles, shaggy red hair and kind of muscly... all the good stuff!

Thanks in advanced! :)
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Voldemort [23 Jul 2009|03:03pm]
Okay, so I'm going to be playing Voldemort in 1979, when he is 53 years old. I don't feel as though he would be the Voldemort shown in the movies, because that's after he's been fully ripped apart, ripped from his body, and created a new one.

So I'm looking for an older man, with a "mean" look. I was thinking Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn, but the mod isn't so keen on that. Any ideas? Mod suggested Clive Owen but I can't find any "scary" icons of him, and I really don't want to make a whole batch of icons, since I don't have photoshop.

Hm, yeah. Can anyone help?
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[23 Jul 2009|11:07pm]
Hey folks...

Looking for a younger, white, bald person for a early-to-mid-30s Lex Luthor.
Do not want Rosenbaum.

Was thinking of Timothy Olyphant or Billy Zane
just wanna know who else is out there
any help is appreciated :-)
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