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[12 Feb 2009|10:30am]
I'm looking for a good PB for Emma Frost (The White Queen from Marvel comics) and have considered a few different people. Tori Praver doesn't have enough expression, Jessica Stam is just a little too juvenile bitch looking for me, and Rachael Taylor looks a teedy bit young for what I'm going for. I'm going to be playing Emma in her late-20's/early-30's, but could always just use the excuse that she's had a bit more cosmetic surgery than she'd let on over the years.

So pretty much- blonde, blue eyes, late-20's/early-30's, 'gorgeous' and it wouldn't hurt if she was well endowed in the chestal area... since this is Emma Frost after all.

Any and all suggestions are thanked. ^_^
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Pretty tomboy? [12 Feb 2009|11:16am]
I'm looking for a PB for a tomboy, who's still pretty but doesn't necessarily bother with wearing lots of makeup or doing her hair up all the time. Possibly someone who is an athlete, as she plays a lot of sports. Must have blonde hair and be in her early- to mid-twenties. I used to use Blake Lively sans makeup for this character, if that helps. She's from Southern California so I prefer someone who is tanned and looks like they'd frequent the beach or something. Anyway, thanks!
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[12 Feb 2009|11:17pm]

All right, so waaaay back when [September, probably], I posted asking for PBs for a handful of different characters, and got no response. So, some months later, I'm trying again, with just two of them.

1.) Female, mid-20s/30s, wavy/curly hair, blond or ginger. Real skinny type, with angular face and long straight nose. Bangs/fringe lovely but not necessary. Preferably not a ton of =D icons, as she's normally either pokerfaced, paranoid, or borderline-high. A few looking classy [or shady, alternatively] would be worth bonus points - high-class gambler/criminal wtf? If it helps, I was using Viviane Orth until research taught me that she's only 18.

2.) Male, 30s-50s, hair slicked back or otherwise neat [possibly thinning/receding], dark brown or black. Larger build preferred [if you can't find heavy, then at least solid], with a prominent nose if at all possible. Period clothes are a-okay, if it comes to that. On the flip side, so are weapons and/or smokes. Some condescending expressions would be awesome. Definitely for the Penguin, by the way, and I'm trying to forget De Vito's nightmare fuel version exists.

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[12 Feb 2009|11:24pm]
So, I'm looking for an older version of Ryan Ross. Like, mid-twenties looking? RyRo looks about 12 to me most times, and I'm really feeling like I'm stretching it making him 20. So, toss me your pretty boys who are vaguely reminiscent of him, please. :D
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