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[19 Jan 2009|09:27am]
I need a female PB that could pass for the younger sister of Matthew Horne. There are no restrictions really, I just need her to be around 19-21ish.
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[19 Jan 2009|10:47am]
okay, I desperately need assistance!

I need a PB that, firstly (and most importantly) has enough looks that the PB could pass for a set of female triplets (whether its just differences in hair style/clothing style).

The descriptions for her parents are as follows:

Father: "big and looks like a sloth" (was Ed Westwick in his early twenties)
Mother: "dark hair, dark eyes, pointed chin and high forehead".

I want the girl to be dark-haired, dark eyed and pale.
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[19 Jan 2009|11:31am]
Okay. Looking for a Cassandra of Troy. Period clothing is optional, but that would be wonderful.

What I do need, though, is a brunette, probably early 20s, mostly serious icons but not entirely. Someone who can look sort of regal but also sort of subdued at other times.

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[19 Jan 2009|12:25pm]
I need someone who is blonde, beautiful, and over 30. It should be someone who preferably has had different hair lengths and who looks classy and well-kept. Not Reese Witherspoon.

Thank you! ETA: it's for [info]allegorical and she's the Rapunzel.
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Sherlock Holmes [19 Jan 2009|03:21pm]
I’m looking for a PB that could work for Sherlock Holmes. If you think a particular PB could fit at all with the novel version, please throw them out there. Any suggestion at all would be a great help to me, so long as it isn’t someone that could be considered a scenester or model.

Basically, I’m looking for someone that looks like they would be fantastic at deduction/has a brain. Seems like they could scream out “The game is afoot!” and dash off to solve the case, while being calm at other times. Seems rude or impatient to those that don’t know him well. Prominent nose would be nice, but not a must if the personality works otherwise. I’m still working on what age range would work best for the character, since it’s a novel centered game. I guess look for anyone in the range of around 29 to late 60ish in appearance, due to that.

Any eye color—intense/thoughtful eyes when he’s at work on solving a problem, whether it be mundane or a case. If anyone needs it, I could try to hunt down a better description Watson had of him from one of the stories. You can also find a Sherlock Holmes illustration in the icon I’m using for this post.

Anyone have any ideas? It can even be one you’ve always thought would work for him, even if it doesn’t completely match the description.
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[19 Jan 2009|03:30pm]
This is going to sound really freaking weird but I need a female PB roughly around the 19-25 age range that has icons or pictures you can point me too covered in blood...or bloody. Other than that I don't really have any other thing in mind other than the fact she is freaking crazy...and I would rather not have Hayden Panettiere. Now that I think of it dark hair may work better but I will take what I can get.
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[19 Jan 2009|08:14pm]
I need a PB for a seventh year eloise midgen?
Preferably someone who was a little on the awkward looking side...An off center nose if possible. Preferably a blonde, but I'll take what I can get.
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[19 Jan 2009|09:31pm]
Thank you to anyone who helped me with my earlier request! I have another one and this time it's not an NPC, so really any sort of help would be appreciated.

This is for a next-generation Harry Potter game. The character's name is Henrietta Barrow and she is a 7th year Ravenclaw. She is loosely based off of Temperance Brennan from Bones. Henrietta is a total genius but she is socially challenged, almost to the level of Asperger's syndrome. She spends a lot of time solving problems that her professors give her with a group of her friends. Any pop culture references are usually lost on her.

Some characteristics I'd like:
- She should look around 17, especially in comparison to PBs like Anton Yelchin, Danielle Panabaker, Kimberly Nixon, and Trent Ford, who are also 7th years.
- Brunette, and preferably with longer hair, but the color is debatable.
- Serious faces are good. As are confused faces for when her peers talk about the latest issue of Witch Weekly and other things.
- Glasses would be amazing, but completely optional!
- A general air of intelligence is highly preferred.
-Maybe someone who could pass off as a young Emily Deschanel?

Some of the PBs I've considered but are taken are Anna Kendrick and Sarah Drew. Currently I have Emily Van Camp held but I'm really iffy about her, and I'm also considering Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Emma Roberts.

I'm so sorry that I can't be more detailed with a description but I haven't got her all figured out in my head yet. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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[19 Jan 2009|11:21pm]
You are almost 32. You're a single dad (icons with a kid of no older than 13, or multiple children, is a major bonus). You've got fair skin, high cheekbones, and medium to darker hair. You work in business (and you hate it) but you're still fit and active (and prefer to be out on the Quidditch pitch rather than in the office). You're haught, superior, and occasionally bitter.

You are an actor or musician but not a model, and you are not well known or overused.

Who are you?

TIA for all help!!!
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