The Final Fantasy Asylum - December 23rd, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Final Fantasy Asylum

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December 23rd, 2007

[Dec. 23rd, 2007|12:47 pm]
I'm new, and completely unoriginal and can't think of anything else to say %D

Name: Angel
Age: 21
How you got into the FF games: My dad used to play FF's back in the day, and I'd watch him play for hours on end, and then I'd get mad when he'd stop xD When I was finally old enough to actually play and finish a game, FFVII had just come out, so I played that and was completely addicted after that :P
Fave female char: Tifa Lockhart, Fran, Rydia, Beatrix
Fave male char: Vincent Valentine, Seifer Almasy, Auron, Balthier
Fave all time char: Definitely Vincent. I fell in love with him almost immediately, for....everything xD The way he looks for sure, since i love the 'pretty yet still obviously a man' look xD And I've always had a thing for guys with long dark hair. The get up he wears is interesting too. The not so shallow reasons, because I love tragic tales and tragic romances. And Vincent's with Lucrecia always got me for some reason. Plus I love his attitude. He never says it obviously, but the 'Accept me for who I am or fuck off' makes me squee :P
Fave Pairings (because I iz a dirty girl): Vincent/Tifa, Vincent/Lucrecia, Vincent/Reeve, Vincent/Cid (Vin's a slut xD), Balthier/Fran, Auron/Rikku, Seifer/Squall (the only thing Squall's good for), Rydia/Edge
Least Fave Game: VIII. Don't like most of the characters. In fact the only ones I do like are Seifer, Zell and Laguna. I am an extreme Seifer fangirl and could write an entire report on why he's at least 500 times better than Squall......but then I'd just get myself all worked up and pissed. X would come in a close 2nd for my least fave...for almost the same reasons (all the cast 'cept Auron, Yuna & Rikku, blech).

I have played and completed: FFIII, FFIV, FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, FFX, FFX-2, FFXII, & Dirge of Cerberus

I have played a little of and am working on finishing: FFI, FFII & FFXII: Revenant Wings whenever I can get it xD

I have played a little of and got so bored I couldn't finish: FFV & FFVI (sorry, but.....I dunno, I just never saw what was so great about VI other than Kefka)

My favorite games, and in this order, are most definitely: FFVII, FFIX, FFXII & FFX-2.

I'm pretty new to IJ, so I'm looking for friends with similar interests obviously :P So if I tickle your fancy, add me!
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More Shameless pimping [Dec. 23rd, 2007|10:40 pm]

A low pressure general Final Fantasy writing community. Enjoy :D
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