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Friday, June 20th, 2008

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    Jodie Foster
    When I was a young teenager I adored Jodie Foster. The clerk at the video rental store told me that I looked like her too. But over the last several years I've kind of been distracted by other movies and other movie stars. Yet recently I've started watching some of the movies that I never got to see before or have come out in the last few years like Flightplan and Nim's Island. Last night I watched Nell and found it to be an excellent movie. Renewing an old love feels good.

    Although there's one movie I still feel a bit unsure of whether or not I want to see it. The Brave One. I confess to a certain level of burn-out on revenge type of films, which this is what the trailers make it sound like unless I'm totally wrong. Would it be worth it to watch?

    Current Music: Nightwish ~ Beauty and the Beast

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