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Thursday, February 7th, 2008

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    Lolita & Originals vs. Remakes
    I noticed that the Kubrick version of the film was on Turner Classic Movies this evening. I seen that version a few years ago. I didn't really like it, but I can't remember why exactly. I like the remake better though, the one starring Jeremy Irons. I'm getting ready to watch that one again. Which version do you guys prefer?

    Also what are your views on remakes in general? Good? Bad? A plague upon the film industry?

    The Lolita audiobook is love because Mr. Irons narrates. ♥ I should buy the book even though that voice will end up narrating the story in my head now, heh.

    And for those who watch TCM, does the commercial with Lolita on the side of the building with all those guys looking at her seem a little... creepy? Or maybe that's not the right word to use.

    Current Mood: curious

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