Fic Rocks the '80s!

October 28th, 2007

Fanfic Rocks the '80s -- a panfandom mix of music


October 28th, 2007

Need, (SGA, John/Rodney, NC-17)

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Title: Need
Author: [info]saldemonium
Fandom/Pairing: SGA, John/Rodney
Song Prompt: Major Tom (Coming Home)
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine. I wish. If they were, they'd do a lot more boinking in the show.
Summary: Aliens make John spank Rodney, but they don't have to twist his arm too hard.
Notes: I started writing this for telesilla's Smack A 'Lantean On the Ass Weekend. Then it started getting long, and I decided I liked it better for my prompt than I did the other fic I'd been working on. =) Actually, I found it pretty difficult to write something that fit this song. I started four different fics before this, but they didn't work out, and one would have been pages and pages long to do it any justice. So, I was thinking about how John and Rodney are sort of drifting and alone, until they find one another, a coming home, if you will. It might not be an obvious fit, but turn your head and squint a bit. ;)

Shut up?! Shut up?! You're not the one tied up and bent over, Colonel! )

FIC: Roam, or Eight and a Half Conversations with Aunt Jenn (TPM AU, Qui/Obi, R)

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Title: Roam, or Eight and a Half Conversations with Aunt Jenn
Author: [info]temve
Fandom/Pairing: Star-Wars-TPM-fem-Earth-AU - in other words, OB and Jenn bear a certain undeniable resemblance to Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn. Except they're women. And both at least partially Irish.
Song Prompt: Roam by the B-52s
Rating: R to be on the safe side
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Star Wars, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, or the Romanian movie poster described in the fic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: OB is absolutely positive that 'Roam if you want to' is the most ridiculous piece of advice she's ever been given. At least until she ends up doing it.
Notes: This is where I confess to being probably the only author in this challenge who had never even heard her prompt song before. But the B-52s have a way of inspiring femslash, so here you go. Also, [info]shrieking_ell has a way of inspiring femslash too, and has kindly betaed this into shape for me. Any remaining mistakes are my own!

Roam, or: Eight and a Half Conversations with Aunt Jenn )

Idaho Mortensen and the Obelisk of Osiris (VM/OB/KU - PG13)

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Title: Idaho Mortensen and the Obelisk of Osiris
Author: [info]nosselinfea
Fandom/Pairing: AU Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom/Karl Urban
Song Prompt: Walk Like an Egyptian – The Bangles
Rating: Probably a PG-13. Slash implied but nothing graphic or explicit.
Disclaimer: This is all fiction, nothing is real. I don’t own these men, I only wish I did.
Summary: Viggo is an archaeologist on the hunt for a valuable and powerful artifact in Egypt. But others are after the same thing and now it has become a deadly race.
Notes: The song I was given inspired me to write something in the vein of Indiana Jones. This is therefore obviously a very AU story. It's also funny, cheesy, and pure 1980s. Thanks to Jack for the beta. 4,200 words.

Idaho Mortensen and the Obelisk of Osiris )

He's a Maniac, Sam/Dean, PG, by wolfshark

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Title: He's a Maniac
Author: wolfshark
Fandom/Pairing: SPN, Sam/Dean implied
Song Prompt: Maniac Lyrics can be found here.
Rating: PG - I know! I can't believe it either!
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue.
Summary:Sam couldn't help feeling like Dean was a maniac - completely and absolutely insane. And he was going to yell at him about it, just as soon as he saved Dean's ass from the demon currently playing games.

He's a Maniac )
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