Fic Rocks the '80s!

September 10th, 2007

Fanfic Rocks the '80s -- a panfandom mix of music


September 10th, 2007

Sign up post!

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And here we go!

Please give us the following info:

IJ name/LJ name:
E-mail address:

Most webmail hosts these days (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.) can handle up to a 10MB attachment. Since all our songs are smaller than that, and a heck of a lot of us fans are using Gmail, we'll likely be emailing songs once assignments go out. If you'd like us to upload it to the web instead, please let us know in your sign-up comment.

An example signup:

IJ name/LJ name: [info]helens78
E-mail address: helens78(AT)

ETA: If you'd rather not have your email show up on a public post like this, go ahead and forward your contact info to telesilla(at)gmail(dot)com, and she'll get ya signed up. :)

Signups will be open until midnight PST, Sept. 17!

Signups are closed, and all comments containing email addresses have now been screened (just in case we get robots crawling through here). Songs to go out shortly!
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