Fickle Freckle fecked a fic of frantic fellows - June 16th, 2007
try saying that ten times fast

freckles42 posting in Freckles42's fic and art home on IJ
User: [info]ficklefreckle (posted by [info]freckles42)
Date: 2007-06-16 10:18
Subject: PSA
Security: Public
Mood:annoyed annoyed
Tags:fandom, psa

Dear Fandom:

It is Occlumency. Not occulmency or oculmency.

Oculus is the Latin word for eye. I can see how people might become confused as to its seeming usage in this context, as the idea of using your mind's eye to see things could be applied. However, Occlumency is about mental blocking.

Occultare: Many people (including the Lexicon) believe that the root word of Occlumency is Occultare, which means "to hide, conceal." This is getting closer, but still not quite right. At least this is an understandable confusion.

Occludere means "to shut up, close up." Think occlude. This, to me, seems the clear and obvious choice of roots. The right letters in the correct combination and number... yup.

I'm sure many would like to argue that either of the latter could apply, but frankly, I think if JKR wanted the root to be occultare, she would have used a different spelling. Harry's not just trying to hide thoughts and feelings, but is rather trying to completely block out an invading mind.

That's pretty much it. Nothing deep, just a little Latin and some griping. This sort of thing really rubs me the wrong way.

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