Fickle Freckle fecked a fic of frantic fellows - May 23rd, 2007
try saying that ten times fast

freckles42 posting in Freckles42's fic and art home on IJ
User: [info]ficklefreckle (posted by [info]freckles42)
Date: 2007-05-23 10:17
Subject: Fanart: Miss Cleansweep 1945!
Security: Public
Mood:cheerful cheerful
Tags:fanart, potterverse

Title: Miss Cleansweep 1945!
Media: Prismacolor markers, Pigma Micron pens, and Photoshop CS2
Characters Ginny Weasley in a bit of a time warp.
Rating: PG
Warnings: It's a pinup, so there is quite a bit of leg showing.
Disclaimer: None of the characters herein belong to me, all are JKR's, who is nice enough to let us play in her sandbox.
Artist's notes: I saw all the lovely work going up at [info]smut_wednesday with the pinup theme, so I thought I'd try my hand at it. I then took the original art and aged it in photoshop. I really hope you all enjoy it!

Miss Cleansweep 1945! )

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