Fickle Freckle fecked a fic of frantic fellows - March 31st, 2007
try saying that ten times fast

freckles42 posting in Freckles42's fic and art home on IJ
User: [info]ficklefreckle (posted by [info]freckles42)
Date: 2007-03-31 10:12
Subject: Art: Crossover: Jack Sparrow and the Deathly Gallows
Security: Public
Mood:creative creative
Tags:crossover, fanart, potc, potterverse

Artist: [info]freckles42 (aka [info]sapphocles)
Title: Jack Sparrow and the Deathly Gallows
Medium: Prismacolor coloured pencils on 11"x15" cold press paper
Rating: G
Warnings: Well, if you haven't seen the HP book art yet... then it might spoil that. Otherwise, no warnings.
Notes: A crossover challenge for FictionAlley, putting the main Pirates of the Caribbean characters on the UK kids' cover art for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows. I've also documented the process below, using photographs at various steps and compiling them into an animation. Many thanks to [info]heidi8 for inviting me to take part and [info]prncspnut for being an art pimp. :D My art is currently being cycled with a few other pieces on the front page of FA (refresh until you get it if it doesn't appear the first time). You can find all the April Fool's art here, just remember to refresh to check them all out!

Onto the Deathly Gallows )

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January 2008